Because your employer uses OnPay for payroll, you're able to see your pay stubs and year-end tax forms in your OnPay employee portal. All you need is an invitation from your employer. If your employer has not invited you to access your account, or you don't have access to your invitation email, you may need to request a new invitation be sent by your employer.
What we'll cover
Requesting a new invitation from your employer
To get access to your OnPay employee portal, you will need an invitation email initiated by your employer. That means you’ll need to ask them for help. If it helps, here’s sample email text that you can copy and send to them:
If it's helpful, you can copy this sample text and paste it in an email draft to get started:
I'm emailing you because I never received, or can't locate the invitation email needed to sign into my employee portal in OnPay. If you set up my account for me, OnPay has a help article explaining how to invite existing employees to access their OnPay account. If you've already sent me an invitation to setup my employee portal for myself, I may need you to send a new invitation.
Thank you — I really appreciate your help,
[Your name]
[Your preferred email]
Next steps
Once you’re invited, you should receive an email with instructions to complete your account setup. You’ll then be able to login using the button at the top of any page on If you asked your employer to invite you and you are still unable to log into OnPay, or your employer is unable to send an invitation, call us at (877) 328-6505, or email us at
Your employee portal
Once you're logged into OnPay, you'll see your Employee Portal. Here, you can
- How to view your pay stubs
- How to request time off
- Update your personal info
- Download W-2s and 1099s (at the end of the year)
- Set up multi-factor authentication
- Add or change your bank account for direct deposit
- Split your direct deposit into multiple bank accounts
Still can't log in?
If you are still unable to log into OnPay, or your employer is unable to send an invitation, call us at (877) 328-6505, or email us at
Should I sign up for a free trial?
Probably not. When you sign up for a free trial with OnPay, we'll assume you're a business owner looking for a better way to pay workers. If this is something that you need, great! But if you're an employee of a business that already uses OnPay, then you'll need to accept an invitation from your employer to join their organization in OnPay.
Why do I need to be invited?
Because only an administrator of your employer's OnPay account can add or invite employees to their organization, you aren't able to add yourself as an employee. You will need to either be added by your employer, or ask them to resend the invitation.