On January 1, 2021, Connecticut launched a statewide Paid Family and Medical Leave insurance program. It's intended to provide wage replacement and job protection to employees in the event that they need time away from their jobs to tend to family or medical needs, and is completely funded by employee payroll contributions.
What we'll cover
Registering your business
To register your business for Connecticut Paid Family Medical Leave:
- Go to ctpaidleave.org
- Click Get Started under “Register Your Business”, and follow the steps to register
- Once you’ve registered, you'll be issued a PFML ID (Ex: P123456789)
Setting up payroll deductions
In OnPay, go to Company, Payroll Taxes.
If you operate in multiple states, be sure you have Connecticut selected.
Scroll down to find the "Connecticut State Paid Family Medical Insurance Setup", and enter your PFML ID.
That's it! We'll automatically set up the payroll deductions of all mandatory contributions to the program so that we can collect and remit the withholdings to the state of Connecticut.
Qualified exemptions FAQ
If you qualify for an exemption, select "Exempt".
Does my business qualify for an exemption?
In order to qualify for an exemption from making contributions to the CT Paid Leave Authority, you must offer to all employees a plan that provides all of the same rights, protections, and benefits as the Connecticut Paid Leave (CTPL) program. In order to be approved, a private plan must:
- Offer at least the same number of weeks of benefits
- Offer at least the same level of wage replacement for each week of benefits
- Include no additional requirements or conditions
- Deduct the same amount from employee paychecks as the state plan
- Cover all employees through the duration of their employment
- Apply to all current and future employees at your business
- Be approved by a majority of your employees who work in Connecticut (50% + 1)
- Remain compliant with any additional requirements established by the CT Paid Leave Authority
Note: Benefit rates may be adjusted to assure the solvency of the CT Paid Leave Authority trust fund. Please see the Private Plan Policy & Procedures.
Additionally, in order for a private plan to be approved, the plan must comply with the standards set by both the CT Paid Leave Authority and the Connecticut Insurance Department (CID). The CID issued a Notice to Insurers Concerning Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance describing the process for insurers to submit Declarations of Insurance to the Department for approval pending the development of a Policy Filing Guidance Notice.
Can I apply for an exemption?
During the business registration process, businesses will be given the opportunity to apply for an exemption from the CT Paid Leave program.
Can an employee be exempt?
Check out our full FAQ for employers, and our FAQ for employees.
Or visit Connecticut Paid Leave for more information.