OnPay handles child support deductions from employee post-tax wages, while creating a record for your bookkeeping. Keep in mind that OnPay does not issue payment to the agency in any form. It is still your responsibility to remit payment via check, ACH, or online. Learn more about wage garnishments.
Child Support laws differ from state to state, so be sure to:
- Always refer to your notice of income withholding for what’s required
- Always pay the withholding amount on time
- Always notify the agency if the employee is terminated for any reason
What we’ll cover
- Getting started
- Designating an agency
- Name/Description and Case Number
- Amount and % of Disposable
- Updating and deactivating
- Priorities of Withholding Orders
Getting started
Go to the employee profile, either in your Dashboard under “My Team”, or in Workers.
Click Job, then Garnishments. Any existing Child Support deductions or Garnishments for this employee will be listed here.
Click the blue (+) at the bottom of “Child Support” to add a deduction.
Designating an agency
Type the name of the agency to add it. Agencies you’ve used in the past are available for autofill.
Confirm mailing address
Add and confirm the address of the agency. This should be the exact same address as where you mail the child support check for this employee.
Note: OnPay does not issue child support checks to the agency. It is your responsibility to remit payment via mailed check, ACH, or online.
Name/Description and Case Number
You will always be able to identify this deduction by its name and case number. The name is for your own reference, and you can rename this deduction at any time.The case number can be found on your notice of income withholding, and you will need to note this number on each check you mail to the agency for this employee’s case.
Amount and % of Disposable
The notice of income withholding that you received will detail the amount to be deducted per pay period, and the maximum percentage of disposable income that can be deducted from the employee’s pay. Depending on your pay frequency, you will reference one of four dollar amounts:
- Weekly (if you pay this employee every week)
- Bi-weekly (if you pay this employee every two weeks)
- Semi-monthly (if you pay this employee twice a month)
- Monthly (if you pay this employee once a month)
Enter the amount that coincides with your pay frequency as detailed in the notice.
Click Add when you’ve finished to add this deduction to the employee’s profile.
Updating and deactivating
View or change the basic information for this deduction at any time. You can also deactivate this deduction.
Click Edit Agency if you need to correct the name or address of the agency where you send payments.
Priorities of Withholding Orders
- Child support
- Bankruptcy
- Federal administrative garnishments*
- Federal tax levies*
- Student loan**
- State tax levies
- Local tax levies
- Creditor garnishments
- Employer deductions (e.g., for benefits)
- Employee voluntary deductions
*All deductions in effect when a federal administrative garnishment or federal tax levy is received have priority over the order.
**The law provides no guidance, but the Department of Education allows child support to have priority.