OnPay will notify you by email whenever a pay run is initiated. We will also send an email for employee actions. Employee actions could be name or bank account changes, or when they've completed their enrollment. You can manage these notifications in My Profile.
Click the tile in the upper right where your name appears.
Click Edit Profile.
If you have multiple companies enrolled in OnPay, you'll see a separate tile for each of them. Click a company tile to see its Notification Settings.
There are two kinds of notifications you can manage.
- Pay Run — Notifies you when anyone approves a pay run for this company.
- Employee Actions — Notifies you when an employee changes info in their profile, like their preferred name or bank account.
Click the toggle next to each notification type to enable or disable notifications.
Note: Some employee actions, like uploading a file for your review, may still trigger a notification email, even when "Employee Actions" is toggled off.