For OnPay to effectively calculate state tax contributions, you'll need to ensure the tax rates entered in Onpay are correct for each state where your company has a tax obligations. For example, if you operate in both Oregon and Washington, you must keep payroll tax information up-to-date for each (and every) state where you pay employees.
What you'll need
- Oregon Business Identification Number
- Oregon UI tax rate
What we'll cover
Where to find your SUI tax information
Refer to the most recent Notice of Unemployment Insurance Tax Rate you received from the Oregon Employment Department.
- Your Business ID Number is listed in the upper right of the first page
- Your SUI rate is listed at the bottom of the first page
- Your Paid Leave Oregon rate is the same for all businesses, and does not need to be entered into OnPay
- Note: Enter your SUI rate as a percentage into OnPay
Setting up employer/employee contributions for Paid Leave Oregon
The Paid Leave Oregon (PLO) program allows workers to take paid time off for important life events that impact the health and safety of their family, or themselves. This paid leave is jointly-funded by tax contributions from employers and employees, with some exemptions for the employer portions only.
- All company employees pay into this program through withheld taxes, regardless of company size or headcount
- Employers with fewer than 25 employees are exempt from the employer contribution, but must still withhold and deposit the employee portion of this tax
- Employers can choose to lessen the tax burden for employees by covering the employee portion of this tax
- Employers can choose how much of the employee portion they cover
Where to enter your rate in OnPay
Go to Company, then Payroll Taxes.
Do you pay employees in multiple states?
If so, select Oregon under "Payroll Taxes".
Use the Update button to enter your Oregon SUI rate as a percentage.
When setting your rate, use the pop-up calendar to select the effective date, as indicated in your notice. Then, enter the rate as a percent and click Save when you're done.
Learn how to set up Paid Leave Oregon in OnPay→