For OnPay to effectively calculate state tax contributions, you'll need to ensure the tax rates entered in Onpay are correct for each state where your company has a tax obligations. For example, if you operate in both Pennsylvania and New York, you must keep payroll tax information up-to-date for each (and every) state where you pay employees.
What you'll need
- Pennsylvania UC Employer Account Number
- Pennsylvania SUI Employer Contribution Rate
What we'll cover
Where to find your SUI tax information
Refer to the most recent Tax Rate Notice you received from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.
- Your Employer Account Number is listed in the upper right
- Your SUI rate is listed in the first sentence, above the table explaining how your rate is determined
- NOTE: When entering this rate into OnPay, you'll need to convert it to a percentage by moving the decimal point two places to the right
Do not add employee rate to OnPay
Your notice will include an employee contribution rate, but there's no need to enter it into OnPay. This rate is the same for all Pennsylvania employees, and is automatically applied when calculating UI withholdings for employees in Pennsylvania.
Where to enter your rate in OnPay
Go to Company, then Payroll Taxes.
Do you pay employees in multiple states?
If so, select Pennsylvania under "Payroll Taxes".
Enter the information provided in your tax notice. Use the Update button to enter your Pennsylvania SUI Rate (Employer Contribution Rate) as a percentage.
When entering your rate into OnPay, you must convert the rate in your notice to a percentage, in order for us to correctly calculate your state unemployment tax payments.
Our Tax Accuracy Guarantee
Bottom line: We take the accuracy of our payroll tax calculations very seriously — and our accuracy guarantee ensures we’ll always have your back.
However, because we file on your behalf using information provided by you, it's important that you provide and input accurate information about your company, its employees, and the states and districts in which they live and your business operates, including all IDs and tax rates. Our Tax Accuracy Guarantee picks up where you leave off by covering all our calculations, and the filings and payments we base on them.
In rare circumstances, OnPay may need additional information from you, or may request you take action in order for us to file and pay your taxes. If such information is requested by us, but never provided by you, any affected tax filings and payments will not be covered by our Tax Accuracy Guarantee.